Johnnys Slægtsforskning

Historien om familierne Hansen, Jensen, Ravnholdt m.m.

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Dannebrogsorden 4 - Kommandør 2. grad

FilnavnDanebrogsorden 4 - Kommandør 2. grad.png
Størrelse218 x 60
Knyttet tilChristian Johan Frederik Ahlefeldt-Laurvig (Dekoration); Christian Johan Frederik Ahlefeldt-Laurvig (Dekoration); Aage Immanuel Tang Barfod (Dekoration); Steen Andersen Bille (Dekoration); Frantz Preben Bille-Brahe (Dekoration); Emmanuel Briand de Crèvecoeur (Dekoration); Emmanuel Briand de Crèvecoeur (Dekoration); Peter Christian Joachim Bruun de Neergaard (Dekoration); Erik Rasmus Bæhr (Dekoration); Staffan Fredrik Robert Per Cederschiöld (Dekoration); John Christmas (Dekoration); Frederik Wilhelm Dannemand (Dekoration); Christian Conrad Sophus Danneskiold, Samsøe (Dekoration); Jean André Frédéric de Dompierre de Jonquières (Dekoration); Jacob Brønnum Scavenius Estrup (Dekoration); Jacob Scavenius Fibiger (Dekoration); Peter Nicolaus Urban Gad (Dekoration); Christian Frederik Anton Hastrup Graae (Dekoration); Niels Peter Grønbech Grunnet (Dekoration); Hermann Georg Grüner (Dekoration); Eduard Haack (Dekoration); Adolf Tobias von Herbst (Dekoration); Niels Juel (Dekoration); Robert William Wiggers Kjær (Dekoration); Hans Jacob Kofoed (Dekoration); Vilhelm Ferdinand Kofoed (Dekoration); Johan Vilhelm Cornelius de Krieger (Dekoration); Caspar Herman von Krogh (Dekoration); Christian Cornelius Lerche-Lerchenborg (Dekoration); Hans Lindholm (Dekoration); Erik Lunn (Dekoration); Kristian Ditlev Lunn (Dekoration); Frederik Gotthold Müller (Dekoration); Carl Adolph Rothe (Dekoration); Carl Adolph Rothe (Dekoration); Harald Roger Brønnum Scavenius (Dekoration); Frederik Christian Rosenkrantz Scheel (Dekoration); Johan Franciscus Gottlieb Schønheyder (Dekoration); Carl Frederik Schøning (Dekoration); Vilhelm Adolph Secher (Dekoration); Erik Wilhelm Robert Skeel (Dekoration); Erik Wilhelm Robert Skeel (Dekoration); Wilhelm Carl Eppingen Sponneck (Dekoration); Edouard Suenson (Dekoration); Edouard Suenson (Dekoration); Edouard Suenson (Dekoration); Carl Adolph Rothe Treschow (Dekoration); Willum Frederik Treschow (Dekoration); Emil Vedel (Dekoration); Peder Wormskiold (Dekoration) ['Flere links']

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